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The Board of Managers held a regular meeting June 9, 2009 in the Mary Hawley Room at Edmond Town Hall located at 45 Main Street Newtown, CT. 06470.  Vice Chair Sandy Motyka called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT:  Sandy Motyka, Kathy Madzlla, Marie Smith, Jay Gill, Jim Juliano
ALSO PRESENT:Building Administrator – Tom Mahoney, Building Superintendent – Clark Kathan, Jane Sharpe of the Mary Hawley Society.
ABSENT: Mary Fellows

Public Participation:  Jane Sharpe of the Mary Hawley Society addressed the Board regarding the funds available for the Alexandria Room renovations (Attachment A).
Ms. Sharpe stated, out of $26,000 available for the project, the following is a preliminary budget - $7000 for floor restorations, $8000 for the Chandeliers, $6000 for electrical and $5000 for paint services. Ms. Sharpe went on to explain that Family Electric gave an estimate of $5100, there is currently no final estimate for the chandeliers, the painting estimate came from Peter Censabella and the floor restoration estimate came from Mathison Floors.
Mr. Kathan stated that when the chandeliers were evaluated for cleaning and rewiring, the estimate included the wall sconces.
Ms. Motyka stated to the Board that if the Chandelier aspect of the project was going to be addressed, then it might as well be done completely all at one time so that the chandelier project won’t have to be revisited.
Mr. Gill moved to do full restoration at a reasonable price including wall sconces.  Ms. Smith seconded.  All were in favor.

Ms. Motyka and the Board thanked Ms. Sharpe for keeping the Alexandria Room restoration project moving along.
Mr. Kathan added that he’d like to have the window screens looked at in the Alexandria Room as they are very old and discolored thus becoming increasingly more difficult to see out of.

Acceptance of Minutes from May 12, 2009:
The regular minutes of May 12, 2009 had a few changes as follows.  On page 2, the word stager should be stagger and the name Irene Molosky should be Irene Melasky. On page 3, the word tenents should be tenants.
Ms. Smith moved to accept the minutes of May 12, 2009 as amended.  All were in favor.

Building Administrator’s Report:
Mr. Mahoney addressed the Board regarding the Stardust Review which was this past week encountered some problems with the new Air Conditioning unit (regulating the temperature) but other than that everything went smoothly. Mr. Juliano added that any service calls of that nature are covered under contract and warranty.

Mr. Mahoney went on to state that the Rooster Rally is next weekend June 13 beginning at 11:30 on Main Street, some vendors will be set up in front of the Town Hall.


Additionally, the News Times has the movie chart running free until the contract runs out.  Without the cost of the ads the Board stands to save $8000 a year.

Building Superintendent’s Report:
Regarding the Alexandria Room, Mr. Kathan addressed the Board stating that the months of July thru August have been saved for renovations only.  Mr. Kathan stated that the general plan at this point is to do the electrical work first, then the flooring and finally the painting.
Ms. Motyka added if a proper and accurate accounting of all funds available and all spending can be kept up to date for the packets Marcy sends out to the Board members prior to the meetings [so that everyone can aware of the progress].

Mr. Kathan went on to explain that the electrical work is for new wiring, chandeliers and staging.
Ms. Sharpe added, that perhaps the scones may be better left as an aesthetic feature than as a fully functioning feature so as to save money.

Mr. Kathan discussed the survey of the office space that will be available in the Town Hall when the current offices move out. Dimensions were taken with Ms. Fellows and the report was given to Ms. Motyka to keep on file.   Mr. Kathan also stated that he’d like to visit the potential tenants to view the spaces they are occupying now to judge the amount of space they will need versus the space they may be requesting.
Additionally, now that the Stardust Review is complete, the process of refinishing the gym floor should be started.   The cost to refinish the floor is approximately $1500, which is what it has cost prior years, and the exhaust fan in the gym is now running which should help regarding humidity or any such conditions that would make the floor slippery.

Mr. Kathan stated that a project that needs to be addressed is the re-tubing of the boiler at least before winter 2009.  Edgerton was ready to do the project however; the funding was unclear as to what was available at the time.
Ms. Motyka asked if Mr. Mahoney would verify what funds are available for the project.
 Regarding the Air Conditioning unit, the company is coming out again to finish insulation and waterproofing on the roof.
Ms. Juliano added that they did a very thorough job and he was pleased with the group of people and the knowledge they had.

Ms. Motyka addressed the Board on the following issues;
-       Maureen Will is to be completing a survey of what will be required in the Town Hall after the current offices move out.
-       First Selectman Joseph Borst will be invited to the next Board of Managers Meeting so that the Board can express clearly that the Town Hall will still be a


-       Town building once the current offices move on and thus needs to be treated as such (in terms of funding).
-       A letter has been sent to Bank of America, no response from Mr. DiMartino.  Mr. DiMartino had said it would take some time to get back with the final accounting.

Chairman’s Report:
Mr. Gill has also not heard anything back from Bank of America or JP Morgan Chase Bank.

Bills for Payment:
Ms. Smith questioned the amount Kesco Electric billed for $685.00 with no description of services or hours rendered.
Ms. Motyka asked if Marcy might be able to go back and look at the last 6-8 months of bills for Kesco Electric to verify what has been billed and for what, additionally what is being charged per hour.
Mr. Kathan stated that Kesco Electric has been very reasonable and easy to deal with especially in emergencies they are very reliable (even coming out to a job on a Sunday).

Ms. Smith stated the building bills totaled $7100.61 while the theatre bills totaled $4791.68.  Additionally, the News Times has not yet arrived.

Ms. Smith moved to approve total building and theatre bills for the month of May in the amount of $11,892.29.  Mr. Gill seconded motion. All were in favor.

The amount that should have been approved at the last meeting was $14, 983.47, not $20,129.60.

Unfinished Business:
Ms. Motyka addressed the Board regarding unfinished business items for discussion;
The letter to the Selectman is being prepared and sent by Ms. Fellows, she will complete the update when she returns for the June meeting.
Mr. Juliano addressed the Board regarding the  recent installation of the Air Conditioning unit, the company is planning on coming back to finish the controls and the smoke detectors in the duct work, they will also go through settings and controls.  The project is mostly complete.
Ms. Motyka went on to state that the rate card has been set and approved, the military displays are in the lobby, Ms. Fellows is continuing to work on the contract termination with Constellation and finally Ms. Smith and Ms. Madzula will be working on personnel starting in July.
Ms. Motyka has been discussing tenant specifications with Mr. John Klopfenstein as a business consultant he has been offering advise on who might be the ideal tenant for the space offered in the Town Hall.


Ms. Motyka also stated that she ahs spoken with Mr. Tim Rahr, CFO of Taunton Press.
Ms. Smith has spoken with Janet Woycik of the Newtown Cyrenius Booth Library
about the process of obtaining a wireless network.  The Library used a company out of  Danbury called Network Computers and that Charter Communications had also donated a high speed cable line to the facility.

Ms. Motyka asked if Mr. Mahoney might be able to speak with the Town IT Department to see how to go about starting the process of the Town Hall being a wireless facility.
Additionally, Mr. Mahoney is to keep track and update the inventory of furniture in the Town Hall offices that will be staying when the current offices move.

Comments Around The Table:           
Ms. Madzula, no comment.
Ms. Smith, no comment.
Mr. Mahoney, no comment.
Ms. Sharpe, no comment.
Mr. Gill, no comment.
Mr. Kathan stated that when the electrician came out to look at the chandelier and discovered that it was wet from the ceiling leaking above it due to broken pipe, Mr. Kathan stated that this would be a very expensive project to remedy and that the Board might want to consider adding to any lease agreement for future tenants that any possible water damage that may occur to records are not and will not be the responsibility of the Edmond Town Hall Board of Managers and that the tenant agrees and understands that this is a risk associated with occupying an eighty year old building.   Additionally the LoCIP funds have been approved for the Handicap doors in the amount of $10,000 for three doors.  
Mr. Juliano stated that he has been in contact with congressman Murphy regarding grants for the Town Hall renovation project and there is a possible grant for the theatre renovations as well.

Ms. Motyka moved for the regular meeting of the Board of Managers to be adjourned at 8:30p.m.  Mr. Gill seconded motion. All were in favor.

(Preceding adjournment of the regular meeting, the Board of Managers went into Executive Session at 8:30p.m.)

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk